In a move welcomed by Phigenesis and the advanced recycling sector as a whole, the new German coalition government has announced plans to implement EU-level, product-specific recycling and recognise advanced recycling as a viable recycling option for waste plastics [1].
This policy is as part of an initiative to encourage the use of recycled materials, resource-saving and design-for-recycling in packaging via the newly-announced National Circular Economy Strategy.
The coalition has also outlined plans to look towards a Europe-wide end to landfilling of municipal waste and increase action against illegal waste exports, measures Phigenesis welcomes.
About Phigenesis Limited
Phigenesis was established in 2019 by a veteran team of energy asset developers who have deployed over £2.5 billion into port located infrastructure under project finance structures during the energy transition. Phigenesis was established to act as a platform for independent funding of transitional waste plastics conversion projects and associated commodities. Phigenesis is developing a fleet of waste plastic chemical recycling facilities across Europe